Fetch game IDs for a single day or a full season
An integer value denoting the end year of the season to scrape
A day in the format of 'YYYY-MM-DD'
A tibble containing game IDs and basic info for specified time frame
Integer value of NHL game ID used in scrape_game
String defining NHL season
Date of game, as a string
Scheduled start time (US/Eastern) of game, as a string
Home team name, as a string
Away team name, as a string
Numeric final score for home team - will return 0 for games that haven't started
Numeric final score for away team - will return 0 for games that haven't started
String denoting type of game: "REG" or "POST"
if (FALSE) {
get_game_ids(season = 2020)
get_game_ids(day = "2015-03-12")